Mission & Parent Corner News

Family Mass – Sunday 27 August

Thank you to all those who were able to attend our last Family Mass on Sunday 27 August. It was a wonderful Mass with families and parishioners enjoying the celebration. Special thanks to Mrs Webster and the children who sang in the choir at the Mass. We look forward to our next family Mass next term.

Father’s Day celebrations

Thank you so much to our wonderful community for the amazing Father’s Day celebrations that we had last week. Seeing all the family members enjoying themselves at our wonderful school warms our hearts. Thank you to all who were able to attend and to Allison Houston for the wonderful liturgy shared by the classes.

We certainly hope that all families had a wonderful Father’s Day.

K-2 Mathematics Information Session – Monday 11 September

We look forward to welcoming parents from K-2 to a Mathematics information session next Monday afternoon at 2:30 in the D3 Classroom.  More information and RSVP can be found be using the link https://forms.gle/6GEW7Bij49C5m56K7

Come along and have a look at some games you can play at home to develop mathematical skills.

Being a parent can be the hardest and yet the most rewarding experience of our lives. Please feel free to reach out if you need any support.

Have a lovely week.

Susanne Bragge – Learning Support Teacher & Parent Engagement Coordinator

Allison Houston – Classroom Teacher / Religious Education Coordinator