October is Mental Health Month

Mental Health and Wellbeing 

Over the years, we have seen a significant increase in need within our community and beyond in the mental health space. Many factors have contributed to this, with children and adults alike being impacted by various challenges. October is Mental Health month, and following on from RUOK? Day, it is an opportunity for us to look at what we can do to try and improve our overall mental health and wellbeing. Sometimes it can be difficult to come up with ideas for activities that foster a positive mindset, whether individually or as a family. To assist families with this, the NSW Department of Education has compiled calendars for the month of October to help parents and children in their journey towards being more mentally healthy. In addition to a healthy diet, engaging in exercise and ensuring getting enough good sleep, it is hoped that these suggestions may create an opportunity for children and families to explore, create and engage in some fun activities. 


Kind regards,

Tamar Avakian

School Counsellor