Mission & Parish News

A Message from OLGC Religious Education Coordinator, Allison Houston:

It has already been a wonderful start to the school year as we began with a beautiful Mass which was attended by the staff and was presided over by Father Joseph. We said prayers and blessings together for our community including our students, parents, staff and parish community at large. May the year ahead bring with it great learnings, deepen our connections and bring us all to a renewed closeness with Christ. 

Our Parish has been evolving over the break also and I share with you the departure of a few devoted leaders in our Parish. Sadly, Father Shiju will be leaving our parish and moving back to India in coming months, and we together send him all our blessings and wishes for the future, as well and a huge thank you and gratitude for guiding our parish and school community. Additionally, Jessica Webb who was a devoted all-rounder and secretary for the Parish Office has concluded her works within our Parish. We bless her for the journey of life ahead of her and are deeply appreciative for her support, guidance and devotion to our school community.   

We warmly welcome fabulous Susanne Bragge to her role as Sacramental Coordinator as well as our Parent Engagement Coordinator.  

In 2024, we look forward to having Father Satheesh, our Parish Priest, and Father Joseph lead us in prayer and be our guiding presence in our faith journey throughout the year. We are forever grateful for their devotion to our school and parish community.  

Lent approaches us with haste this year, and I will be providing information about Project Compassion and other school initiatives we will be including to our Lenten Planning this year. 

I look forward to working with our beautiful faith-filled community at OLGC for another brilliant, eye-opening year and I encourage you all to connect with each other and with our parish whenever and wherever possible.  

God Bless

Allison Houston

Religious Education Coordinator 


A Message from OLGC Parent Engagement Coordinator, Susanne Bragge:

Over the next few weeks there a number of parent engagement activities that we would like to invite you to. These include, parent information nights, P & F meeting, a social afternoon tea and the 1-2-3 Magic- child emotional coaching course for parents. Keep an eye out for information about these events on Compass and in the Newsletter.

The bookings for the sacrament of reconciliation program have opened on our Parish website. Children are eligible to enrol if they are in our Parish and have been both baptised and confirmed. Bookings close on Tuesday, 13 February. Please get in touch with Susanne Bragge regarding the program if you have any questions at sacraments@ffcp.org.au. We ask the Parish and school community to pray for these children as they work through the reconciliation program and the liturgies on the 8 & 9 March.

Our wonderful Parish is looking for a new Parish Secretary and it is an ideal position for a parent wanting to work school hours. The job description is on the parish website Parish Home Site (ffcp.org.au). Please feel free to contact Father Satheesh or myself if you have any questions.

If you would like any information regarding anything about our parish, please feel free to contact me.

Susanne Bragge

Parent Engagement Coordinator

My direct email is: susanne.bragge@dbb.catholic.edu.au